photo courtesy of Piotr Bizior
Multi-tasking never works for me. I have found that if I focus on a single task I can get it done quickly. Yet, if I focus on (get distracted by?) a second task it only adds time to getting the first task done. This is why a 15 minute task can conceivably take me 30-45 minutes. In that amount of time I could have gotten three tasks done!
Spiritually, we like to multi-task, thinking about everything God is doing and everything we need to do. But are we then able to zoom in and focus on what in particular God is doing?
Let me ask you: What’s one thing God is focusing on in your life, right now? Said differently, what’s one thing being highlighted in your life, right now? Is it a lack of patience? Is it becoming more generous? Maybe it’s taking more time to be with your children or wife? Maybe it’s beginning to exercise? It could be a variety of things, but why not determine what is that one thing above the other things, that one step before the other steps that God wants you to take?
If we focus on ALL the things we think we need to improve on or change about ourselves, we’ll become overwhelmed. We’re not God. We can’t do everything, we can’t know everything, we can’t be everywhere. We can do one thing at a time, think one thought at a time, be in one place at a time. God knows that, which is why He speaks in a clear manner, a simple manner and, believe it or not, in an organized manner. God is not scatterbrained!
Remember this: There are no results of faith without taking steps of faith. But remember, too, that results are not the primary goal. Heart transformation is the goal, and there can be no change of heart apart from the obedience of the heart. As my friend Esteban Grasman says, “At times the result of a step of faith is secondary to the step of faith itself.”
Take one step, focus on one thing, and respond to one word God is speaking to you. It’s enough because that’s where you start. You get through your walk one step at a time. You get through a book one chapter at a time. You get through a day one minute at a time. God will not likely change one big chunk of your heart at a time. Rather, He will change you one step of obedience at a time. Through daily worship. Through conviction of and repentance from one sin at a time. Through renewing one thought, empowering one action, shaping one feeling, and creating one desire at a time.
Jesus is patient, we often are not. He can do all things, we can’t. Don’t spiritually multi-task your life to death. Be still, listen, surrender, and respond one step at a time. Don’t get ahead of yourself - or of Him! Wait for Him, all day if necessary, because there is life in every single step He will ask you to take.
“Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.” Psalm 25:5
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