A spontaneous gift is sudden and unexpected to the recipient not to the giver. Revival is the sudden and unexpected outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It’s sudden and unexpected to the church and to the world, but not to God.
God still does “wonderful things” (Matthew 21:15), powerful things, today. This is my deep conviction born out of a time of deep cynicism. A time when I stumbled over an exposed “revivalist” and fell into doubt and criticism, and intellectualized and theologized away all demonstrations and manifestations of God’s power today. This despite having had such experiences as an early teen. “I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24)
In revival, God’s ordinary work is done to an extraordinary degree. It’s an unusual season of life for the church, not the usual day to day activity in the life of the church. Jesus is always saving, but in revival he saves in an exponential way. Whereas a local church may see 6 people turn to Jesus in a year, in a season of revival they will see dozens, hundreds, even thousands. And whereas a local church may see a healing or a person powerfully encounter God in the span of a few months, in revival they see manifold demonstrations of God’s power almost daily.
Still, when we talk about God’s power, we must talk about more than power. We must talk about people’s lives being touched by the Living God.
When Jesus goes in to the temple in Jerusalem, word gets out. Somehow, a blind and a lame man find their way in. The blind and the lame, though, are a people group excluded from ever entering the temple. They come anyway, and Jesus not only welcomes them, he heals them in the very place they are not supposed to be (Matthew 21:14-15).
After Jesus’ resurrection, his two disciples, Peter and John, are going up to the temple where, at the gate, they find a lame man asking for alms. Peter looks at him and says, “I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” (Acts 3:1-7)
Jesus heals inside and outside the temple. God’s power resides in and flows from the true temple and meeting-point with God, Jesus Christ. Any person in any place at any time can be made well and whole (whether or not they will be).
Yet, we must follow the gift back to the Giver (Luke 17:18), because we can easily get caught up in power as the ultimate end. But God demonstrates his power in order to confirm his message of the gospel (Mark 16:20) and point to the forgiveness and salvation found nowhere else but in Jesus Christ (Matthew 9:5-6). The greatest miracle is the love of God in the heart of man. The highest joy is knowing God, not working miracles (Matthew 7:22; Luke 10:20). The world might use its power to control what we love. But Jesus always uses his power to show us his love for us.
How did Jesus heal and do mighty works? By the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. (Luke 3:22; 4:1, 14). So, how would his disciples heal and do mighty works? By the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4-5)
In Acts 2 the Holy Spirit comes upon the disciples and the church, as he did upon Jesus at the beginning, and Peter explains what is happening: “Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he (Jesus!) has poured out this that you yourselves are seeing and hearing.” (Acts 2:33)
This pouring out is a “power” to be “witnesses” (Acts 1:8). But our “witness” is not passive observance from the outside; it’s active participation on the inside. The Holy Spirit is the key witness to the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus (Acts 5:32). His coming-as-pouring is a testifying to Jesus living and reigning today; an empowering of the church for the advancing and completing of Jesus’ mission today; a participating in the renewing and transforming life of Jesus today.
In all our efforts we are "blind and lame" without the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. But with Him all the possibilities, promises, and blessings of life found in Jesus are made a reality.
When Jesus came to earth, the kingdom of God was “at hand”. It was spatially found in the physical body of Jesus. But now that he has ascended, the kingdom of God is at hand in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. We cannot picture Jesus as being far off somewhere in heaven, but rather as being near to us in the person of the Holy Spirit, dwelling with and within us.
Revival comes to dry, barren ground with rains of refreshing and streams of healing. It brings the Spring flowers, radiant and beautiful (signs and wonders, manifestations and demonstrations of God’s power), but its aim is the mature fruit (the transformation of lives) of the Summer and Fall.
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